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partenaire, baronnies, office de tourisme, drome provencale, residence***, camping***, fontaine annibal

Tourist office of the Pays de Buis-les-Baronnies  (calendar of events, events, tips ...)

partenaire, frhpa, camping***, piscine, baronnies, drome provencale

We  adhere  of the Federation  Hotel  Outdoors  to contribute to all the actions of  FNHPA  and  FRHPA  Rhône-Alpes, particularly in terms of  defense of the interests of the profession, promotion (website, exhibitions, mailings, press reception, etc. on the English and German markets)

partenaire, aroma plantes, lavande, baronnies, drome, provence, residence***, camping***, la fontaine annibal

On an exceptional site, a unique experience awaits you ... immersion in the heart of the Lavender fields, visit of the distillery, workshops, aromatic'bar and 100% organic shop ...

partenaire, vacances passion, location, residence***, fontaine annibal, buis les baronnies, rome, provencale

Passion Holidays  (A multitude of organized stays, for all ages, in France and abroad; the “welcoming spirit” of our Holiday Village)

partenaire, bivouak, camping***, drome provencale, buis les baronnies, bio, la fontaine annibal

On sale at the Fontaine d'Annibal, organic beer  white, blonde  or amber,  the owl evocative of the wild nature that surrounds us.

partenaire, rouge amarante, buis les baronnies, residence***, camping***, drome, provence

Association Baronnies Paysannes  which brings together  small producers of the Baronnies Provençales, attached to human values, to natural and organic farming methods and a common desire to work to protect true mountain agriculture that respects people and the environment.

acceuil velo, label, partenaire, marque, baronnies, velo, drome provencale, residence***, fontaine annibal

The "Accueil Vélo" label is a national brand which guarantees a welcome and quality services along the cycle routes for cyclists traveling or staying.

partenaire, guide, baronnies, drome provencale, residence***, camping***, fontaine annibal

Baronnies guides office  (many outdoor sports at your fingertips: climbing, paragliding, canyoning ...

partenaire, couleu nature, vacances, residence***, fontaine annibal

"Couleur Nature" Center   a rather remarkable place to stay in the mountains, in the heart of the Vallon de la Jarjatte, in Lus-la-Croix-Haute. One of the other sites owned by FOL26.

partnaire, parc, provecale, baronnies, redion, residence***, camping***, fontaine annibal

With the label  "Values Regional Natural Park" : we are committed  in collective and solidarity-based approaches, guaranteeing structuring effects in favor of sustainable development

partnaie, esemble ici, association, baronnies, drome provence, residence***, fontaine annibal

All stakeholders in local life in Nyons & surroundings 

The “ Ensemble ici” site is an associative, evolving and collaborative project.

velo electrique, partenaire, veleco, baronnies, residence***, fontaine annibal, drome, provence


Electric bicycle rental.

  by the day so that you can visit at your own pace.

Tours provided 

partenaire, camping***, acsi, piscine, camping car, fontaine annibal, drome, provence, baronnies

The CampingCard  ACSI  is a practical card that allows you to benefit from a significant reduction in the off-season.

Do not hesitate !!

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