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Ecolabel, resience***, the annibal fountain, boxwood les baronnies, drome, provencale

La Fontaine d’Annibal has held the Ecolabel label since this year.

The European Ecolabel is the only official ecological label common to all countries of the European Union. Organization, renewable energies, water and waste management... 67 criteria guarantee the reduction of the environmental impacts of your services throughout their life cycle.

The criteria concern the entire structure, not just the animation part:

  • procurement management. for example: purchases of environmentally friendly products for cleaning premises

  • energy management. for example: choosing a green energy supplier

  • energy saving: 100% LED bulbs, motion sensor lighting, insulation of certain buildings, etc.

  • Monitoring energy consumption

  • Awareness-raising actions: on-site displays, explanation of our approach to our customers, environmental education workshop, etc.

Who are we?

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